indentured into surface coat as spring rears its ugly head
in about a couple more months, we pray. i twirl as indecisive
as i am choosing which dinner places to choose, falling flat
on my bottom, and observing cold laughter from almost
professionals. at peak of this season strands of pollen fall
curiously through air, hidden in snowfall, vanished in piles
of white-yellow much that accumulates on hilltops, melted
and dispersed as sunlight takes a beam to tops. till eventually
i swim on lake, once frozen, scratched, beholden to figure
eights, and painted with faces of barely there know-how,
consumed in a belly of bickering divinities, over my soul.
pool of water is frozen, is open to falling through, in space
walks where legs kick out a forcing of buoyancy that cascades
water to and fro beneath chill of first spring air, but not yet there,
still two months out, for weather is drunk on directions of rotation,
axis determines heat lamp equivalents, and battered planet steams
under what man-made catastrophe has been cursed upon sacred land.
once again, frost returns, ice reconfigures, hardens, and traps me torso
above, and legs below, ultimately chopped in half. mad scientist flair
ups of weather conditions, because people not understanding temperature
increases are cause for weather shifting, and collective tunnel vision
creates no one way of knowing how story is going to be redirected
into any sort of directors cut. Colliding into this mission that god gave
at start of chapters of genesis, that mankind be caretakers of earth,
name animals, and do what they must. at end, this is not why my legs
turn to ice and shatter, is my own folly for not keeping eye on weather
patterns, as they transformed, and transmitted mixed signals to one
another to pay attention to the trends. As forecast was cast upon screens
everywhere, I did not recognize my own zip code, and proceeded to have
my fun skating upon a death trap, a roofed lake, bordered by ice atop
and slowly melting just to gobble me up, and that is how earth repays
us for neglecting our duty to preserve her, and do as lord commanded,
for we should have done as lord commanded and cared for her worth.