Friday, September 11, 2020

Pro-Life - a poem

 Save our children, is a good sentiment,

we should indeed save them, for they are in need

of saving. But, in what universe do you imagine

that children are not seen as important, or classical

pawns in our day to day. Of course we beg to save

the children. For people to take notice of babes

lost from their families, ripped from them and locked

away. Used in ways that they should not be used,

and those abuses go on and on, and day in and day out. Remember

local news stories, broadcasting windowless white vans

in vicinity of missing children, last seen near white

van with no windows, that was message that spread

on broadcasts so that people looked on suspiciously

for any such workers van, even if workers were 

just what they were. This 90's epidemic of unmarked vehicles

picking up and snatching kids, and very real threats

that persisted so that Liam Neeson took to threatening,

and making good on threats of finding, and killing,

using skills to attack sex traffickers who'd kidnapped

his daughter. These are stories that existed already. Without

aid of viral campaign, and task forces put together

to battle these forces of evil, and social media always busy

with preemptive tactics on how to protect yourself in Wal-

Mart parking lots at ten o'clock in the evenings, or in broad

daylight. This isn't news, or hidden, always constantly sharing,

me and you, always.

Save our children, trends in hashtag form, sinks teeth into an algorithm,

taking advantage of national spotlight on trafficking, to sneak in a Qanon

theory, theorizing a pizzagate message even when that was proven

to be false, and laughably reaching coded messaging, but not funny,

and deftly heartbreaking that people could have been killed with self-

possessed liberator of not-even-there sex dungeon in local pizza parlor.

These, are the fingertips behind pushing this message, trying to shut

up mouths of more important matters, because they know no one will challenge

protecting our children without risk of sounding repugnant to average

people who don't give half a thought to sharing things on the internet.

Save our children, its simplicity at its finest, and finely hijacked

to bring about rabbit holes, and deep dives into internet spaces, sprouting

friends, and searches, with a click to further clicks, until you're teleported into sharing

everything by faceless creature on other end of computer screen who is eager

for chaos, and world burning. Hardest thing? It works, and while you save your children,

with your share, true forces of change, with the means to help are deprived of resources

are sent on wild goose chases, and very soon people will die.

Save our children,

But they don't mean children in cages, five years old or younger

forced to represent themselves in immigration courts, timidly

speaking broken english, nodding for understanding, but not truly

understanding. Or young boys on lawns playing with toy guns,

with brown skin, because that's the story that often is told, and shot dead,

and we say save our children. As our nation bombs other nations

and dead babies lay in grieved mothers arms, and dead children

wash up on shore. But we are here, they are there, and save our children,

only our children, but only a certain type of children.

And the propaganda of late-term abortions, that paint the image of cooing

babies being ripped limb from limb, and if that were truth, I too would be

outraged to know it, but that is not truth, and often we subject pregnant children

unable to mentally cope to have children, and destroy what they could have had,

though some turn out fine, and what of those children overwhelmed to eat,

and we say no don't feed them, no handouts for those freeloaders,

we forget these children.

Save our children? Save yourself, and the hell you may find yourself

in for your hypocrisy for even Christ made no differentiation for smallest

on our mother Earth.

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