as a weakness
thats the concept
they want to permeate
as though cruelty and selfish-
ness were the right of way just because
of complacency. Or how school work is busy
work when real work is death, and as they symbolically
commit suicide from the roof of the church-school they can
claim they were correct. when self-fulfilling prophecy's of fatalistic
men are seen to be the order of the day they ignore that the only reason they
are choking is because they wouldn't throw the bones away. They will stare into
the afterburners of a ballistic missle and proclaim, "the good lord almighty is punishing
the wicked," and from across the sea another friendly missile zeroes in with a prayer behind it
aimed at praying one unaware he'd cursed himself. And as the world recovers from its dick measuring contest
the children will be silent, wondering how their parents could squander their bread.
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