A little bit of nothing goes a long way,
because with nothing, there is nothing to lose.
No love to lose, no money to lose, no pride to lose,
because you had nothing. Nothing goes a long way
but it also leaves everything to gain. Ever ounce of respect,
every minimal dollar saved, every moment of hard work savored,
rising up out of the ashes is nothing can take a long time,
it is the length road, with a noose at the end that you can
either slide around your neck or grab with a fist and climb
your way out using the walls of your life to push yourself up
as they enclose and encroach upon your life.
Do not fear that nothing will work out, because something
must come of it, and it means everything by how
you use those pieces, be they whole or broken,
the risk of doing nothing is minimal and may promise
piece mind but it is a zero sum game, a multiplication by
that always resorts in nothing. But who can blame the
nobodies for wanting to remain anonymous, since
everything in this of a life can catch them unawares,
when you strive for even the littlest something, so risk
versus reward is the question, the equation, the result
of all that nonsense, but lets stop a moment, breathe
bask in what we don't have by way of what we could have
but leave the envy out of it, because envy leads to spite
and spite is a sure way of gaining everything at the expense of
everyone and those of us who know the light guard it with our palms
even as the wax drips and wanes away. Let this be a message,
for messages can come in many ways, in bottles,
and in mailboxes, or on digital machines deposited in
spam folders to be ignored, because all of us have the power
to ignore a message, but few of us have the power to hold
the walls of defeat at bay.
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