Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Lesson - a poem


It is strange to think that you fall into abyss and can't think of anything other than how you got there, and how that pigeon holds you into a certain idea of yourself.

That you know nothing else than what is beyond your grief, but hopefully that only lasts a moment, and doesn't extend out infinitely in a million unhealthy directions.

Be careful how you long for things, especially when you present that you have not had them, and then make declarations of free thinking, are your thoughts really a result of understanding and wanting to help or are they wrought with the need to get inside someones pants.

The abyss is wide, its tunnel vision, an echo chamber, where we bounce off our own thoughts on ourselves, and nod that yes i am feminist, yes i am progressive,

but what if you are not, what if the abyss has resulted in you only believing you are, because it is what you have been striving to be, but not where you are at yet, I say this is okay, for now,

but beware of your motivations, especially when depressed, when drinking, when angry, when anything that isn't your equilibrium because you expose yourself as a fraud, even if you are trying, be careful, on what you say as an ally, when just before you confessed to a need, and a want that seemed, rather too strong for the conversations at hand.

Do not despair your role in the abyss for I have suffered from loneliness before, but know that you are what you think, and you need to think different, not just speak it,

You need to look on your past and learn what you did wrong, and how to grow but don't ever assume that you are above the fallacies of bad men, because you may not be,

but to acknowledge how you grew, and how you learned, is not a weakness, some may abandon you but to say, I was never perfect, and am still capable of learning when i overstep,

and will not assume my new wave of thinking is the new way of thinking, and beware of friends who reinforce those things that are ill informed within you.

It is strange to fall into the abyss and lose your way in the name of progress but we all do it, and we get no where of assuming only the other person is capable of peddling bullshit. Look inward,
while you sit in an abyss,

look unaware, and grow, because we all of us grow, and are never just, grown.

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