I tend to think about things a lot, and in turn I share maybe one too many remarks as to what that thinking entails, I assume some will be taken lightly, and others may be taken heavy.
That if I start to state some universal truths, some may nod their heads, and admit these facts, but then my muddled opinions may shine abrupt and cause an irritable bowel sensation of those that hear them, and cause them to lash out at me.
There is a fine line to walk when you write about life, because there are many things we mostly accept for all of us, and there are those that are personal to me.
These personal things go from my personal experiences, and my brand of thinking, which includes a plethora of topics that can be touchy, or taboo, but on that other hand there are those declarations of love that we can all understand, remarks upon tragedy, on loss, and on the other end of the spectrum, on hope.
Is it fit to wave away the entirety of an individual thought if part of it is un-liked, or ill-taken? Is it fit that we should label a person a this, or a that, based on one line of thought that we disagree with? Is it fit to diminish talent, or creativity because one part irked us?
In my opinion it doesn't always matter to the whole, if we take into account that once in awhile someone may say something that we do not like, may use words we do not agree with, may have beliefs that will seep into the wordplay.
We do not have to buy every line, we do not have to take the bite, but I think there is a way to appreciate an artists voice without adopting their stance.
For I may speak upon love that I feel, and a readership may ooo and aww at my statements, but I may bemoan a state of political affairs and a readership may boo and hiss. They can take my generalities, and my appreciations as they will, and they can disregard my views as they will.
I do not claim to be inline to some perfect audience, I share thoughts that are for all ages, I share thoughts that are for adults, I share thoughts that comment on beauty, and thoughts that express irritability.
It is fair to avoid art, it is a choice to partake, it is a choice to latch onto my evidence, or to disregard it.
Take the pieces that mean something for you, and ignore the rest, and find someone who can give you guidance in those views that you yourself cherish, that I do not, but do not think it black and white, I operate in gray, and will continue to do so.
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