Monday, October 8, 2018

Inktober #5: Chicken (October 5th)


A lone coyote wandered inside the hen house,
spying all the spry chicken legs
and perusing and deciding to sniff them out one by one
he searched high and low for just the right scent
and gave a lick upon the face of whatever one he liked
and snapped its neck inside his jaws
and left the other chickens mortified.

As he wandered across hills and across fields
he decided he didn't like that particular chicken no more
so he dropped it in the dirt and wandered back onto
hen house.   With his sniffer on turbo and his eyes keen
to kill, he spied another one just minding its business
and snapped its neck too.

About half way back to home, the coyote dropped his kill,
passed his first on way back to hen house and didn't
give it a second thought.  Inside the hen house the chickens cawed
and clucked and hoped for help but none came, and the farmer
snored away inside his house.  Another snapped neck, another
dead hen and dropped in the grass all the same.

The lone coyote went back again, and found another chicken
and they cried out for help.   The rooster stood to the side,
the farm hand came out to see what was the matter, and though
he spotted the dogged cousin wandering into the hen house
every time, and though he had a shotgun loaded and ready
to deliver that dogged soul to Jesus, the farm hand stood by

he supposed it was just natural that the predator get the prey,
never mind prevention, he thought, mine as well let every dog
have his day.

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